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私たちは、ファミリー英会話コーチング・プログラム「カレン先生のIQ English」を通してコーチングを受けているご家族様のことをIQファミリーと呼んでいます。


つまり、「カレン先生のIQ English」は、親御さんを中心としたコーチング・プログラムなのです。





  • 起床

  • 朝食

  • 何か飲む?

  • ごはん、パン、どっちを食べる?

  • お着替え

  • 忘れ物がないか確認

  • 今日の予定を連絡

  • ゴミ出し

  • 掃除

  • エアコン操作

  • テレビ操作

  • ネット検索

  • 動画視聴

  • 〇〇をどこに置いたっけ?あった!

  • 〇〇してみたらどう?

  • 自由時間

  • 家事

  • 昼食

  • しつけ

  • 褒める

  • 着替え

  • 一緒に何かをする

  • お手伝い

  • お片付け

  • どうしたの?

  • 買い物

  • 夕食

  • 入浴

  • 歯磨き

  • 翌日の準備

  • 寝かしつけ

  • 就寝





  1. 完全に暗記している。

  2. 途切れずに言うことができる。

  3. 具体的な使用例を一つ以上挙げることができる。






  1. About 5 more minutes.

  2. Absolutely.

  3. All clean?

  4. All gone.

  5. Are you done with that?

  6. Are you full?

  7. Are you having fun?

  8. Are you listening?

  9. Are you ready to go out?

  10. Are you sleepy?

  11. Aren't you sleepy yet?

  12. Awesome!

  13. Can I have this?

  14. Can you bring that to me?

  15. Can you carry this to the table carefully?

  16. Can you help mommy?

  17. Can you tell me how you'd say what I said?

  18. Change your clothes.

  19. Close your eyes!

  20. Come here.

  21. Come on!

  22. Come with me.

  23. Could you check these for me please?

  24. Daddy's working.

  25. Did you brush your teeth?

  26. Did you sleep well?

  27. Do you know what to do next?

  28. Do you like it?

  29. Do you need to go shopping?

  30. Do you wanna do it by yourself?

  31. Do you wanna eat some bread?

  32. Do you wanna go first?

  33. Do you wanna go outside?

  34. Do you wanna go over there?

  35. Do you wanna go potty?

  36. Do you wanna help mommy?

  37. Do you want me to hold it?

  38. Do you want me to pick you up?

  39. Do you want some milk?

  40. Do you want something to drink?

  41. Do you want to do it by yourself?

  42. Don't you want that?

  43. Dry your hair.

  44. Eat! Eat! Eat!

  45. Get dressed!

  46. Get in the car.

  47. Get on the bike.

  48. Get over here now!

  49. Get ready for school.

  50. Get up and go potty.

  51. Give it here.

  52. Give me five.

  53. Go brush your teeth.

  54. Go for it!

  55. Go potty now.

  56. Go to bed.

  57. Good girl!

  58. Good job!

  59. Good job! You got it!

  60. Good morning.

  61. Good to see you!

  62. Hang in there.

  63. Hang on a sec.

  64. Hang on.

  65. Have some tea.

  66. He is out.

  67. Here comes the train.

  68. Here it comes.

  69. Here you go.

  70. Hey, where are you now?

  71. How do you say ◯◯ in English?

  72. How was school today?

  73. How was your day today?

  74. How was your weekend?

  75. However you want to do it!

  76. Hurry up and eat!

  77. Hurry up!

  78. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

  79. I can go get it for you.

  80. I can show you how.

  81. I can’t make it.

  82. I forgot to take your temperature.

  83. I got it.

  84. I hope you can make it.

  85. I know you can do it.

  86. I love you.

  87. I want you to do it by yourself.

  88. I was worried about her.

  89. I will close it for you.

  90. I will get back to you.

  91. I will never give up.

  92. I will not do it again.

  93. I'd like to have more.

  94. I'm ready for the weekend.

  95. If we don’t hurry, you will be late.

  96. Is it good?

  97. It turned out great.

  98. It's a date.

  99. It's bath time.

  100. It's bed time.

  101. It's ready.

  102. It's time to brush your teeth.

  103. It's time to eat.

  104. It's time to go to school.

  105. It's time to wake up.

  106. It's your turn.

  107. It’s almost dinner time.

  108. It’s almost ready.

  109. It’s bedtime.

  110. It’s right there.

  111. It’s time to eat.

  112. It’s time to get up.

  113. It’s time to go to bed.

  114. It’s time to go.

  115. I’d like to know how to use it.

  116. I’ll be back.

  117. I’ll be right back.

  118. I’ll change my clothes.

  119. I’ll do it later.

  120. I’ll take care of it later.

  121. I’ll work on it later.

  122. I’m gonna walk there.

  123. I’m heading home now.

  124. I’m not sure yet.

  125. I’m not sure.

  126. I’m on it.

  127. I’m sorry.

  128. Just let me know if it is too cold.

  129. Just so you know.

  130. Let me go with you.

  131. Let me show you how.

  132. Let's brush your teeth!

  133. Let's brush your teeth.

  134. Let's go for a walk.

  135. Let's wash your hair!

  136. Let’s eat! Come here.

  137. Let’s eat.

  138. Let’s get off!

  139. Let’s go potty now!

  140. Look up!

  141. Mommy's coming.

  142. Mommy’s gonna get ready.

  143. Mother’s gonna do the dishes now.

  144. Mother’s gonna eat now.

  145. Mother’s got to do other stuff.

  146. My bad.

  147. No, I’m good.

  148. Now!

  149. Number one Daddy ever!

  150. Oh man.

  151. Okay, mommy.

  152. Okay, then.

  153. Open your mouth. Big bite!

  154. Put your clothes on!

  155. Put your foot down!

  156. Put your jacket on!

  157. Put your shoes on!

  158. Put your shoes on.

  159. Put your toys away.

  160. See. I told you.

  161. She's out.

  162. Sit properly.

  163. Sit up straight.

  164. So do I.

  165. Sounds good.

  166. Stop fighting!

  167. Sure thing.

  168. Sure! Go for it!

  169. Sure.

  170. Thank you for having us.

  171. That looks so good on you.

  172. That's so you.

  173. That’s right.

  174. The breakfast is ready!

  175. There he is.

  176. There you are.

  177. There you go.

  178. This is mine.

  179. This is yours.

  180. Wash your hands

  181. Way to go.

  182. We had a very good time.

  183. We’re gonna leave in about 5 minutes.

  184. We’re here!

  185. We’ve got to take your temperature now.

  186. What are you doing?

  187. What do you wanna buy next?

  188. What do you wanna do next?

  189. What do you want for dinner?

  190. What happened?

  191. What's next?

  192. When can I see you?

  193. Where can I buy that?

  194. Where do you want to meet?

  195. Where's mommy?

  196. Where’s my phone?

  197. Which one do you want?

  198. Which one?

  199. Who wants to wash first?

  200. Why don't you go potty?

  201. Why don’t you get dressed?

  202. Why don’t you go ahead to get ready now.

  203. Why don’t you go potty now?

  204. Why don’t you take your temperature?

  205. Why don’t you use your spoon?

  206. Why not?

  207. Would you like some more?

  208. Yes! It does!

  209. Yes, I did it.

  210. You can do it!

  211. You can get off now.

  212. You can have if you want.

  213. You did it.

  214. You don’t wanna pee in your pants.

  215. You don’t wanna pee on your bed.

  216. You know better.

  217. You made it.

  218. You pulled it off!

  219. You're too close. Back up.

  220. Your diaper is fully loaded.

  221. You’ve got to take your temperature now.






実際にコーチングを受けてみたい方は、無料体験を通して詳しくご説明いたしますので、「IQ Englishに興味があります」と一言添えて、こちらのメールアドレス宛てにご連絡ください。日本語でOKです。


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